Separation Agreements
Put your trust in Clifford Johnston & Co.
- Expert Solicitors for Separation Agreements
- Law Society Family Law Accredited Firm
- Bespoke Separation Legal Advice
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Separation Agreement Solicitors in Manchester & Stockport
Our Separation Agreement Solicitors are fully aware of the emotional strain a separation can cause.
If you and your partner have decided to separate but don’t yet wish to divorce or dissolve your civil partnership, a Separation Agreement is the best way to reach a new understanding about how to handle your joint affairs in the future.
We are here to make it as easy and straightforward as possible for you by ensuring the protection of your financial and wider interests. We will put together a bespoke deed on your behalf to safeguard your financial security and to reduce your uncertainty and worry.
If you need help with any aspect of your separation, contact us today and speak to one of our experienced family law solicitors.
What is a Separation Agreement?
A separation agreement is put in place to document the division of financial assets and arrangements for any children, when a couple decide to separate. It will provide you both with clarity and reassurance about the future, and help to avoid confusion and dispute. If you later decide to divorce or dissolve your civil partnership, it may prevent you from becoming vulnerable to later claims on your money and assets.
Terms can include matters such as:
• Property
You can agree on whether your house should be sold now or at some point in the future, how the equity will be divided, and how to split your other assets and possessions.
• Finances
You can detail who is responsible for outstanding and ongoing payments including the mortgage, utility bills, credit cards, loans, school fees and medical fees. It can also include details of any spousal maintenance or financial support that should be provided to one spouse by the other.
• Children
The future living and care arrangements for your children can be detailed in the document including who should receive any child benefit and tax credit payments.
A separation agreement, properly drafted by separation agreement solicitors, is a Deed, which is a contract between the two parties involved. Any breach of their terms may be challenged, as you would expect of any contract. If you later decide to divorce or dissolve your civil partnership, your separation agreement can form the basis of a consent order, which is a legally binding document.
It is therefore essential that your agreement is properly drafted by a qualified separation agreement solicitor with the expertise necessary to create a document that meets all the legal requirements. If either you or your partner enter into a separation agreement without taking the proper, legal advice it may not be upheld in a court of law.
When do I need separation agreement solicitors?
It is advisable for any couple going through divorce proceedings to have an agreement in place so that there is a written record of what has been agreed with regard to the division of assets and arrangements for any children.
Although your process may be straightforward and amicable, circumstances can change. A separation lawyer is necessary to produce a deed of separation to confirm what has been agreed.
Without separation agreement solicitors to draw up a separation agreement, a financial claim could be made against you for assets including:
• Anything owned solely by you prior to your union.
• Anything gifted to you as an individual, as part of an inheritance.
• Wealth earned following your separation.
Making the separation agreement legally binding will bring clarity and certainty to the situation. Both of you will be confident about what each of you is entitled to going forward.
How can Clifford Johnston’s separation agreement solicitors help?
Our family lawyers can provide you with tailored advice on all aspects of your circumstances. We will help you to consider your priorities to ensure that your long-term interests are protected and that you have an agreement in place that works for you.
We can advise on all matters and scenarios including:
• Sole ownership
Any property or assets that you owned before your union are not automatically protected from a financial claim. We are adept at negotiating terms as part of a separation agreement to ensure that a fair outcome is arrived at.
• Trust beneficiaries
We have the necessary legal expertise and understanding to deal with assets held in trust.
• Company shareholder
It can be difficult to value business interests, and shareholders may have unexpected obligations that may need to be factored. We can help negotiate and agree on an arrangement that best deals with any company shareholdings. We will carefully consider your particular situation and circumstances to help you come to the best outcome for you and your family.
Our thorough knowledge and understanding of separation agreement law and guidelines means that we are able to provide you with an effective document. We will fully comply with the court’s requirements, and it will be used as the basis of a legally binding consent order should you ever wish to divorce or dissolve your civil partnership. We will work collaboratively with you to ensure the agreement meets all of your needs and will handle your case with the understanding and sensitivity it deserves.
Contact the legal experts
Clifford Johnston & Co. is one of the leading law firms across Stockport and Manchester. Our family law specialists can help you to reach a clear and amicable separation agreement. At what can feel like a difficult and uncertain time, you will have peace of mind and assurance for the future.
We believe that everyone has the right to first class, independent legal advice. We always work to the highest of standards providing a cost-effective and affordable service to all of our clients.
For a free, no-obligation quotation and to find out more about how we can help you, contact us today and speak to one of our team.
Our separation agreement solicitors are easily accessible in Stockport (Heaton Moor) & Manchester (Burnage). We represent clients not only locally and throughout Stockport, Cheshire, Lancashire & Manchester but also across England and Wales. You can count on us to help and guide you whatever your challenge or circumstance.

Need some professional advice?
Do you have any issues that you are worried about? Contact our professional team for a free, no-obligation informal discussion, where we can discuss your particular requirements in greater detail.